Wild Boar Hunting with Robert Kern – Hunting Consortium Ltd. Wild boar hunt in Gospić, Croatia with a world known hunter Robert Kern from The Hunting Consortium Ltd. Wild Boar Hunting with Robert Kern – Hunting Consortium Ltd. was last modified: January 9th, 2019 by Igor 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Pogledajte još Lov divlje svinje prigonom u Hrvatskoj HRVATSKI VEPROVI 3. Lov divlje svinje prigonom u Hrvatskoj –... HRVATSKI VEPROVI 2.- SPAČVA – Kujnjak Best of Wild Boar Hunting in Kujnjak Wild boar driven hunt in Croatia -Slatina... BUGARSKI VEPROVI 2 U LOVU NA VEPRA – Baranja U HRVATSKIM ŠUMAMA LOVAČKE PRIČE IZ HRVATSKE 2 – Lov...