Sokolarstvo je dio nematerijalne kulturne baštine Republike Hrvatske i nalazi se na popisu UNESCO-a kao nematerijalna svjetska kulturna baština. Hari Herak je osoba koja je dala veliki doprinos promicanju i…
- Hari Herak, svjetski poznat kinolog, lovac, sokolar... dopustio nam je da ga pratimo u lovu i doživimo lov lisice s orlom.
Lov predatora orlom je za mene, vrh u sokolarstvu. Hari Herak i mužjak orla – Khan, u lovu na lisicu. Hari Herak – lov lisice orlom u Hrvatskoj was last…
Getting the wolf trophy in Europe is the same as Leopard in Africa. The wolf is always on the move, tedious, unpredictable and overwhelming. This is the reason why the…
For all who love dachshunds. A group of hunters from Austria and hunting wild boar in hunting gound Virovitička Bilogora. Beautiful hunting. Culling foxes and wild boars and good work…
Jackal … sensitive, tedious, cautious … a real game and a challenge for every hunter.
See, how it looks, a meeting of bears and wild boars, on the beautiful mountainous terrains of Velebit.I apologize to anyone who expects the scene from the cover. Bear vs…