Elegant design, best materials, innovative and proved technology are important Features of all hunting rifles from STEYR MANNLICHER – now and in the past.
2014 STEYR MANNLICHER celebrated its 150th anniversary. Based on a centuries old tradition in producing weapons, the gunsmith Josef Werndl founded the “Josef & Franz Werndl & Company, Waffenfabrik und Sägemühle in Oberletten” in 1864, which should become the “Österreichische Waffenfabriksgesellschaft – ŒWG” and later the “Steyr-Daimler-Puch A.G.”
Originating from a traditional location in Steyr, which was eponymous for the enterprise, STEYR MANNLICHER expanded to an international entrepreneurial group with premises in Austria and the USA. High-quality outdoor products are developed and world wide marketed by STEYR MANNLICHER. These products are primarily hunting and sporting weapons, knives, apparel and accessories. Furthermore, STEYR MANNLICHER is planning, together with selected partners, to create new product lines in the near future.